Fan mail address
Dalyn Chew
Smuin Ballet
300 Brannan Street
Suite 407
San Francisco, CA 94107
Address information
Smuin Ballet
300 Brannan Street
Suite 407
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: (415) 495-2234
Fax: (415) 495-2317
Dalyn Chew is an American actress who portrayed Lyn Me in the Return of the Jedi: Special Edition. She is currently studying to become an Emergency room nurse. Oola is synonymous with the title “Jabba’s Dancer.” This green-skinned hottie is the first Twi’lek on our list and as we mentioned there is a reason this species takes up quite a few of the entries here. Their culture is rooted in song and dance, and the criminal element on their homeworld sells many of their people into slavery as exotic entertainers.
Oola first appeared in the original version of Return of the Jedi (1983). She was grossed out by Jabba, as we all were, and when she refused his advances, he opened his trap door and fed her to his brutal and disgusting pet Rancor. Many a young man started maturing the moment they witnessed Oola get her boogie on in that flimsy fishnet costume.